Rakshabandhan 2020 best gift
हेलो दोस्तों मैं आज आपको बताऊंगा की रक्षाबंधन में अपनी बहन को क्या गिफ्ट दिया जाए दोस्तों हो तो मैं सबसे पहले आपको बताना चाहूंगा कि गिफ्ट वह दो जो बहन की सपना हो ख्वाहिश हो ताकि उसकी खुशी हो और खुशी के मारे मग्न रहे और हमेशा आपका प्यार बना रहे
दोस्तों मेरा ओपिनियन यह है कि लड़कियों ज्यादातर पसंद होती है छोटी छोटी ,गुड़िया, कपड़े,और कुछ इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स चीजें जैसे कि सेल फोन स्मार्टफोन इत्यादि भी गिफ्ट किया जा सकता है
दोस्तों मैं आप सभी से एक कविता शेयर करना चाहूंगा
एक कहानी जो बचपन मे बहन सुनाती थी। एक गांव में एक परिवार बहुत ही गरीब हो गया था, तीन दिन तक बिना खाने के भूखे रहने के बाद परिवार जंगल की तरफ गया। एक पेड़ के नीचे रुके पिता ने बड़े भाई से कहा- लकड़ी इकठ्ठी करो, दूसरे को पानी तथा तीसरे को चूल्हा बना कर आग जलाने को कहा। सभी बेटे बाप का आदर करते थे, चुपचाप अपने काम मे लग गये बहन ने पूछा हमारे पास कुछ भी नहीं फिर चूल्हे में क्या पकाओगे ?
पिता ने कहा इस पेड़ में एक मोटा उल्लू हैं आज उसे ही पकाऊंगा। उल्लू ने जब यह सुना तो वह डर गया उसने कहा- मेरे पास खजाना हैं उसे ले लो और मुझे छोड़ दीजिए। परिवार खजाना लेकर वापिस अपने गांव आ गया। फिर बिजनेस करके वही परिवार एक बार पुनः अमीर हो गया। यह कहानी उस व्यक्ति ने अपने दोस्त को बताई तो वो भी अपने परिवार को लेकर उसी जंगल की तरफ चल दिया।➤
उस व्यक्ति ने भी वहां पहुंचकर अपने बडे भाई- को लकड़ी लाने को कहा तो वह बोला- मैं नही जा सकता। दूसरे को पानी लाने को बोला तो उसने भी मना कर दिया। तीसरे को चूल्हा बनाकर आग जलाने को कहा तो उसने भी मना कर दिया और बोला कि यह सब हमारे वश का नही जो करना हैं खुद ही कर ले। अब उस पेड़ में बैठा बुड्डा उल्लू उस परिवार से बोला- तुम रहने दो, तुमसे कुछ नहीं होगा। जब तुम्हारा परिवार ही तुम्हारे वश मे नही हैं, तो तुम अपने कार्य मे सफलता कैसे प्राप्त कर सकते हो।➤
यह सभी का अर्थ होता है कि बिना प्रेम बिना मेहनत के कुछ नहीं मिलता?
Rakshabandhan is a festival that takes place in a sacred bond to brothers and sisters.
Hello friends, today I will tell you what gift to give to your sister in Rakshabandhan, friends, then I would like to tell you first that the gift is the wish of the sister who wishes her to be happy and happy and always love you. Are making
Friends, my opinion is that girls mostly like little ones, dolls, clothes, and some electronics things like cell phone smartphones etc. can also be gifted
Friends i would like to share a poem with all of you
A story that a sister told in childhood. A family had become very poor in a village, after going hungry for three days without eating, the family went towards the forest. The father, who stayed under a tree, told the elder brother - collect wood, asked the second to burn water and the third one to burn a fire. All the sons respected the father, the sister quietly engaged in his work and asked, "We have nothing, what will you cook in the stove?"
The father said that there is a fat owl in this tree, today I will cook it. When the owl heard this, he was afraid, he said - I have treasures, take it and leave me. The family returned to their village with the treasure. Then the same family once again became rich by doing business. If that person told this story to his friend, he too took his family and walked towards the same forest.
When that person also reached there and asked his elder brother to bring wood, he said - I cannot go. He also refused to bring water to another. When the third one was told to burn the fire, he also refused and said that it is not for our control that you do it yourself. Now Budda Owl sitting in that tree said to that family - you stay, nothing will happen to you. When your family is not under your control, how can you achieve success in your work?
The father said that there is a fat owl in this tree, today I will cook it. When the owl heard this, he was afraid, he said - I have treasures, take it and leave me. The family returned to their village with the treasure. Then the same family once again became rich by doing business. If that person told this story to his friend, he too took his family and walked towards the same forest.
When that person also reached there and asked his elder brother to bring wood, he said - I cannot go. He also refused to bring water to another. When the third one was told to burn the fire, he also refused and said that it is not for our control that you do it yourself. Now Budda Owl sitting in that tree said to that family - you stay, nothing will happen to you. When your family is not under your control, how can you achieve success in your work?
All of this means that without love nothing gets done without hard work?
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